You can withdraw from a study by returning your submission. Returning a study means you won't be paid for that study. It won't affect your Prolific score, or your ability to participate in more studies on Prolific.

How can I return a study?

You can return a study whenever you like, including:

  • once you've reserved a place on a study
  • while you're active on a study
  • after you submitted a study and it is awaiting review.

If you've only just reserved a place but no longer want to take the study, click 'Cancel Reservation' to return your study.

If you're active in a study, you can click 'Cancel participation'. This will be on the Prolific webpage, not the study webpage.

If you completed a study and it's currently awaiting review, you can return it from the Submissions page. Find the study you want to return and click the looped arrow.

Why would I return a study?

You may want to return a study for a number of reasons. For example:

  • You realise you don't have enough time to complete the study
  • A technical issue has occurred
  • You're using the wrong kind of device for the study
  • You feel there is something wrong with the study/feel the study should be reported to Prolific
  • You just changed your mind, and don't wish to continue
  • After completing the study you realize your submission should not be used by the researcher
  • You're contacted by the researcher asking to return your submission for a legitimate reason

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