A submission is a completed study. You can see all the studies you signed up for on your Submissions page on your Prolific account. Down the right hand side of each study is its status. Read on for more info on each status.

Awaiting Review

You have successfully submitted your study and are now waiting for the researcher to review it. Researchers have up to 22 days to review submissions, but they usually do it much sooner! If a study is not reviewed in 22 days it will be automatically approved by Prolific. You can read more about this here: When will I be paid for a study?


The researcher has reviewed your submission and approved it. Congratulations, the money is now in your account and available for cash out!


You cancelled a study without completing it by clicking 'return and cancel reward'. A returned study has no impact on your account and you're not paid for returned studies.
Sometimes, Prolific staff will return submissions on behalf of a researcher or a participant. You can find more info here: Returned Submissions


Every study has a time limit. If you go over this time limit you won't be able to submit the study. You can see the maximum time allowed by hovering over the estimated time of completion on the study page. A timed-out study has no impact on your account and you are not paid for a timed-out study. You can read more here: Why does my submission show as 'timed out'?


Unfortunately, the researcher has reviewed your submission and rejected it. You won't be paid for a rejected study and too many rejections will have a negative effect on your account.
Researchers have to provide a reason for rejection, in line with Prolific guidelines. You can read more about rejections here: Why has my submission been rejected?

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