This article covers guidance for the PEC-PV-0001 error message. You can find guidance for our other error codes here: PEC Errors.

What does it mean?

Our external verification checks are unable to confirm that this phone number is in the same country as the account.
This can sometimes occur if the phone number is a VOIP number or other non-standard phone service. We most likely can't use this phone number to verify the account, unfortunately.

What can I do?

  • Check your 'Current country of residence' is correct in your About You.
  • Make sure you enter the correct country code. For example +44 for the UK.
  • Use a number from a standard mobile provider and not a VOIP or Wi-Fi number.

I'm still having problems

If you've followed the troubleshooting guidance above and you're still having difficulties, click below to send a message to our Support Team.

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