How can I see how much I've earned?
You can see your total earnings on your 'Submissions' page. You would need to collate your own records of income via the site, and you are responsible for considering whether you need to report it to your tax office, according to the tax rules in your own country.
Do I have to pay tax?
It's important to note that participants are not employees of Prolific - they are independent contractors so we do not report the Rewards they make to a revenue service (e.g. Inland Revenue in the UK). We simply act as the commercial agent to negotiate and/or conclude contracts between researchers and participants.
We pay Rewards to participants (via PayPal) from the amount paid to us by the researcher for each Study which includes the platform fee charged by us to the Researcher for providing our Service.
All Rewards earned through participants' use of the Service may constitute income for which they have personal tax liabilities which may be notifiable to the relevant revenue service. They warrant and undertake that they will pay any applicable taxes on all income derived from Rewards.
Participants are able to download a full list of submissions completed and the Reward earned for each if they require it for any tax return. To do this, click 'Download full submission history' at the bottom of your 'Submissions' page.

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