What's happening and what we need from you

We’re upgrading our payment system to make sure cashing out on Prolific is always as secure as possible. As part of this upgrade, we need you to verify your date of birth and address.

You'll see a pop up on your account page when you log in, please just follow the steps in here to finish setting up your account. Or, if you don't have time, click 'I'll do this later' and use the pop up again when you're ready. Please add and verify your details by January 5th to avoid any disruption to your cashouts.

Whether you're new and have never cashed out, or you've been with us a while and have cashed out countless times, we need you to add and verify your:

  1. Date of birth and
  2. Residential address.


We need your date of birth and address to verify, or re-verify, your payment method so that you can cash out. We’re asking for this information for standard anti-money laundering checks, which are required as part of this upgrade.

Privacy & Data Protection

We appreciate you're giving us a lot of information about yourself, but we'd like to assure you that your data is secure. If you want to understand how we protect your data, please see our Privacy & Legal handbook.


How do I verify my details?

You can update your details either by clicking the pop-up at the top of your Prolific account where it says ‘Setting up your account’ or in your account settings here where you should see the option to edit your date of birth and address.

Please ensure you have:

1. Updated your date of birth
2. Updated your address

How do I know I’ve successfully verified my details?

Your details are verified, if:

1. Date of birth: If you’ve entered the date and the ‘Edit’ box is greyed out (even if it’s incorrect)
2. Address: If this is filled in

You will need to link your PayPal in order to receive cash outs. You can read more about cashing out here: How do I get my payments?

I already gave my date of birth when I signed up, why do you need it again?

We need to re-confirm your date of birth and address as part of the payment system upgrade that we’re working on — more information on this coming soon!

Is this a tax requirement?

No, this information isn’t being requested as a tax reporting requirement.

Why do you need this information?

This information is required as part of our payment system update, and will be used for standard anti-money laundering checks.

Does this information have to match up with my PayPal information?

You won’t be blocked from cashing out if your information doesn’t match your PayPal information. But, it's up to you to make sure the information on your PayPal and Prolific accounts is correct.

My date of birth is wrong on my account, what should I do?

Please update your date of birth to the right one. This won’t affect your account status, but it could impact your demographic data. You can read more here: Telling us 'About You'.

If you cannot edit this, please reply with the correct date in this format, e.g. December 22nd 2023, and we can raise this to our wider team for you. Don’t worry, if you have a date entered, you will still be able to cash out.

I'm experiencing issues entering my address (US)

If you're having issues adding your address in the United States specifically, make sure your State name is written in full. So South Carolina, rather than SC, for example.

Participants have had problems using abbreviations on this form, so please do write everything out in full.

Is there a deadline for updating my details?

Yes, to avoid any disruptions to your cashouts please update your details by 23.59pm GMT on January 5th 2024.

Will you remind me before the deadline?

The pop up will remain on your account so you'll see this reminder every time you log in. Just click the text 'setting up your account' to verify your details.

What happens if I don’t add my date of birth and address by January 5th?

After January 5th, if you haven't updated your information, you won't be able to cash out. You'll be prompted to add your information every time, so please update it as soon as you can!

Need further help?
Click here to contact us